My Tank setup

Thanks for the advice :)
I'll give them a try when I get time. The lettuce idea sounds like a good one for a temporary measure

I scrubbed the glass all around. Made the water this bad. Done a 50% water change and added more fine media to try get rid of the free floating algae
Also left the lights off so
Hopefully I don't end up with an algae bloom

Do another water change and give the filter a very good clean at the same time.

Leaving the lights off is a good idea.

I don't want to disturb the filter too much as its new and only has about 1/4 of the old media.
I'll give the fine pads a good rinse when I do another change.

Water it all clear. Although I lost a fish over night :/


That looks a lot better already, all you have to do is make sure it does not happen again.

Thanks I'll be able to keep ontop of it now. Need to keep the lighting lower.

The rotala rotundifolia seems to be getting off the best out of the new plants

That's very good news.

Learn control the cause not how to continually treat the problem.

Good advice

I think it's down the the new lighting. Went from 2*15w CFL to 14*3w LEDs I leave one set off now. And cut my lighting time down a lot

Yup Lights. Dean don't waste money on a phosphate kit. Not worth it. Phosphate hobby kits are notoriously inaccurate.

The only things I ever consider testing are Ph and KH. Everything else is not a worry really.

When the Rotala reaches the surface cut the stem about a third from the substrate and plant the cutting in with the old one. In time you will have a nice bush :)
Hi Deanc,

Sorry to hear about the fish loss :(

HO Wow!!!! That's a whole lot of Algae :eek::eek: I think you know now the filter needs regular cleaning.

The tank is looking a lot better now though ;)

Hope all go's well (y)

It was a bit demoralising after all that work, I guess the stress was part of the cause.

Yeh I know it needs cleaning :p that's just all the green that got filtered from the water when I scrubbed the glass.

Thanks that's the aim :D
Been doing a huge amount of arduino research. If anyone has any experience I would love some assistance :D

Thanks again
Hi Stress:( Look on the up side you know more about tank maintenance ;)

I must admit I love the DW :love: It has that really old look about it very natural looking :love:
The stem plants back LH side trim the longer stems back as there putting out side shoots and replant with the smaller stems ;)

Arduino research :coffee: Had to Google that :LOL: Computers and bits :notworthy: We brought the Grandson 8 this year an electronic kit and a chemistry set (y)We love doing things like this together. Ho he loves snails and bugs too :)

Thinking of this as a next step (y) Then he can teach me :LOL:

"" If anyone has any experience"" ? Try posting in the Aqua Lounge. Open Discussions on most things. I sure someone here will be able to help(y)

Yeh I can keep on top of it now. Would be nice to get it all balanced so I don't need to intervene as much.

Me too haha. That's why I'm so reluctant replacing it although it's starting to get weak now.

Good thinking. Will do that next time I have to get my hands wet :p

Haha it looks complicated but I like to learn new things,
Lol that looks like a great idea! I wish I had chance to play with things like that as a child :p just a little hint. If you want to save £2-3 look on Amazon :p Raspberry Pi 2 Model B Desktop (Quad Core CPU 900 MHz, 1 GB RAM, Linux)

Thanks I've seen a few other forums with info. But I'll have an ask. When I get it sorted I'll finish my build log and add it to it


Just a quick update, and my fight against the algae. Boiled the wood and rock. Te wood is looking better than ever now!
My aim today is scrub the side/back properly
Apart from that I'm on a no lights week to try kill off the remaining algae.
Ordered some liquid co2
The shrimp are amusing to watch and fishes seem pretty happy
Days like today that make it all rewarding :)

With any concern in a fish tank you must fix the cause just fixing the result is a waste of time as it will start coming back again and again etc.

Very true, I'm thinking the cause is lighting mainly. Well lack of co2, I have strong lighting and fertilisers. But without co2 all the ferts are getting eaten by algae?
I'm getting a timer clock to set lighting to about 7-8hours a day (would this be too much/too little?)
Then adding co2 daily.
Well that's my logical approach ,
Any comments?