I shot the fishes (but I didn't shoot no deputy)

Could you share how you raise the daphnia culture?
Yep. Although it's quite new and dirty :D

The tank is a 20L rectangle. It is hosted outside, on one of my "balcony". Filled with (Paris) tap-water. I've dropped bits of Ceratophyllum and Azolla. There's also a toothbrush pot, filled with "Sand of Loire" and planted with 2 Cyperus alternifolius young bits. I kept about 20 Daphnia pulex from my last e-shopping auction and dropped them there. In the first weeks, I added little of Spirulina powder once a week. Now I leave it alone. Just filling evaporated water once a week and cleaning the front window as wife can see it from inside the room ;-)

It looked like this a few days ago.

Windows are clear now and algae sinked to the bottom. I also did install 2 Planorbella and 2 Physa. There use to be worms but they died as, I think, there was no ground to hide/leave. There is also 3 or 4 leaves ; oak leaves, I think, not sure :)

Cyperus should raise and decorate the tank a bit :)
Cerato and/or Azolla should prosperate too.

Hope it helps.
Went to a friend's house to deliver the goldfish ; he has a big pond outside.
Another friend, another fish set :)

500L nearly low-tech : only a heater and a pump to provide water stream.

Pterophyllum scalare and Mikrogeophagus altispinosus