Some aquarium funnies - feel free to add your own!


Aspiring Aquascaper
Some funnies..

Mother: Have you given the fish fresh water today?
Son: No, they still haven’t drunk yesterday’s.


Hi Glenn , 3rd one the best for me :ROFLMAO: As was a carp nut a few years ago ;) I spent weeks at a time on the bank after them :whistle: But don't have the time now:( (y) Cheers roy
Hi Glenn, First one 1870? 2014 Wabi-Kusa Stand With Some DW and Lots of hanging moss:rolleyes: Plus a nice light:) But will have to be over the top:D Still thinking about the second pic? May be a few plants :D (y)Cheers roy
Please post away Keith! Keep em coming!

I bought a car today. I don't know what it is about this car, but it really felt right for me.. here's a picture:

Hi Glenn & Keith, The things people come up with :eek: I like the planted phone box:) But the loo well what can one say.Well you could poo poo the idea;)(y)Cheers roy