Run away train


New Member
I'm excited to be apart of this forum and looking forward to grow with the community! My story....

It all started so simple.

My fiance and I were talking about our childhoods and we discovered that as children we both had a pet betta splenden. We were both got pretty excited about it and I suggested we get one again. 10 seconds later we were off to the pet store.

Next upgrade was from the little betta tank to a nice 10 gal with another betta and some guppies for kicks. That didn't last to long before I wanted to upgrade again.

2 Weeks later we were bringing home a 40 gal tank and loading it with plants, driftwood, some angels, our show betta and 2 types of loaches. I started playing with DIY co2 and other filters and really started to feel out owning a big tank. As a kid I had a 10gal but that was it.

Now I've purchased a 75 gal and have put it in a nook in my dinning room. As our house is an open concept it's viewable from our kitchen and living room as well. I've been really excited and interested to get into this hobby as the scapes and pictures are unreal. Ever since I had really good growth with my 40 gal and the plants I've put in there I have wanted to tackle an actual aquascape and I figured if I was going to do it to take my time and go for it on a large tank to really get a nice show piece.

In purchasing the equipment and supplies for the 75 I bought a fluval flora cube to play with and once it's established I wanted to take it to work to put on my desk. My fiance keeps joking that I'm getting carried away and she can't control this run away train. Although every time I do a clean and water change the plants seem to 'pop' and the fish get a little more active she is the first to rave about how good it looks or show it off to company haha.

Anyways happy to be here! :Happy:
welcome to ASW!! :welcome: An' be honest you weren't the first an' you won't be the last to the disease called MTS (Multi-Tank Syndrome) :D I have now run out of space in my house, so a bit restricted to increase my count but still getting a pico done this coming friday..:) Worst part thinking of shifting my house to get in more tanks..:p (reason: still unmarried or engaged.. :) )