pH GH KH help


Aspiring Aquascaper
Hi All. I posted this one on another forum around a week ago, but haven't had any assistance so far. I was hoping that someone may be able to help.

I'm setting up a tank following a move and I'm trying to get my water chemistry right. In the old place my tap water had the following parameters: pH 6.7 <1KH 2GH. I used to increase KH + GH to: 4KH + 6GH. This left me with a pH of 7.4 and I was happy with that as my fish had a preference for softer water.

In the new place my tap water has the following parameters: pH 7.3 1KH 2GH. I use a CaCl (Mg comes via trace fert) to raise GH to 7GH and a premix carbonate hardness generator (mix of sodium bicarb + potassium hydrogen carbonate) to raise KH to 4KH. This leaves me with a pH of 8.2 which I feel is too high.

I'm aiming for the tank to be heavily planted (mix of quick and slow growers), using ADA AS, Glut for C, medium light, EI ferts, Weekly 50% WC. Tank is 11g. I was hoping to keep Fire / Ember Tetra (Hyphessobrycon amandae) - these guys are said to prefer softer water.

I know that the general aim for planted is 3-6KH +6-8GH, but keeping these values seems to send my pH too high. What should I do here?
Hi Glenn, Why post on another Forum you know this ones the best ;) Are you running C02 If so you can lower your Ph by increasing Co2 input You have the Co2 chart off the Barr report Others will know more ;)
Hi Roy. This tank will use glutaraldehyde (excel) for carbon and no pressurised CO2 :)
Hi Roy. It seems that I've made an embarrassing blunder. I aerated some tap water with a bubbler for an hour and it went from 7.3pH to 8.2pH without adjusting GH + KH. This means I am stuck with a high pH either way, so I'll continue to adjust GH + KH up to recommended levels. I'll be using ADA Aquasoil, so I hope that this might reduce my pH a little. I'll keep up the testing and see how I go.
Sorry Roy, forgot to ask - how do you go using Seachem Acid Buffer? Does your pH remain stable between water changes? I'm a bit worried about adding 8.2pH water to a tank that's softened by ADA Aquasoil at water changes as this might stress my livestock. I'd like to explore adding an acid buffer to my pre-mix water to reduce stress to livestock..
Hi Glenn,Ok Well we all get things wrong now and again :oops::giggle: Have been using A/B for about 5 years never had a problem PH stays stable:) But am not using Aquasoil As you said you will have to test to see how much it lowers you PH .Hope all go's well mate
I recommend avoiding acid buffers. I wouldn't get too hung up on pH especially if your KH levels are good. pH changes relative to CO2 injection is not important. Fish rely on a balance of ions to osmoregulate, rapid fluctuations are more problematic than a range outside their natural waters. Stability is the most important factor. You cannot reduce the amount of "stuff" in the water by adding more "stuff". CO2 injection does not change those ions either.

I used buffers for a bit of time, while no big problems with it there were also no real benefits either. I wouldn't recommend sudden discontinuation, rather gradual to avoid the sudden shift in ions. Don't wrestle the water dragon. Either use tap or use RO and add equilibrium or other KH GH booster to meet the parameters you are shooting for.
FYI soft water and hard water are not pH dependent. Soft water is fewer dissolved solids/minerals while hard water is a greater level of those same things. Low pH is associated with soft water mainly because of the reduced buffering capacity of the water and the level of organic acids. Hard water has more buffering capacity.
Thanks Shawn. That was very well explained. I've learned a lot recently around pH GH and KH, even after a few years in the hobby. I feel that I finally have a grip on things!

I'm going to continue at 4KH 7GH and pH 8.2 levels and see how I go. Tom Barr recommended reducing these parameters to 1KH, 4GH and pH 8.2 (to support softwater species, I believe) but I want to trial this over time and gauge the effect on plant/fish health...