Newbie help needed


New Member
I have recently refurbished an old algae infested fish tank and have decided to try and create an aquascape.
I am not planning on having fish in this tank (but may change my mind in a few months), my tank is generally square (45cm h, 40cm w and 25cm d) and I believe that the light and substrate is adequate. However I am unsure on how to design my tank and havn't seen too many inspiring photos of others square tanks so any design ideas would be greatly appreciated. I would also be very grateful if somone could help me decide what the best beginner plants would be for my tank. If you want any other pictures please ask.
By beginner plants you mean easy plants Check out the Tropica website were they have classed plants for easy. Vallis, Egeria . Hyg. Polysperma, or difformis with root capsules Amazon swords, crypts. Cant go wrong with floating plants like amazon frogbit