Led par values

Rachel Jo

Aspiring Aquascaper
Hi Everyone, I'm in the process of setting up a new aquascape in a Boyu 198lL tank, its quite deep and come with two Led t5 replacement tube which I am supplementing with a Finnex planted 24/7, Ive just done some testing in the dry tank and worked out some very rough PAR values using a Lux meter (yes I know the limitations as its only seeing the visible spectrum) but my findings are as follows

Finnex Planted 24/7 Lux 1330 Par 29.5
1st Tube Lux 520 Par 11.5
2nd Tube Lux 650 Par 14.4
Both tubes together Lux 1140 Par 25.3
All 3 together Lux 2420 Par 53.8

All measured at the bottom of the tank in air with the lowest light being 65cm above, Im aware that these Par figures could be a little low as a proper Par meter will also see the invisible red and blue spectrums that plants can utilise for photosynthesis.
My question is this, will this setup give me the flexibility to grow species with higher light demands?
I will be setting up pressurised Co2
Hi Everyone, I'm in the process of setting up a new aquascape in a Boyu 198lL tank, its quite deep and come with two Led t5 replacement tube which I am supplementing with a Finnex planted 24/7, Ive just done some testing in the dry tank and worked out some very rough PAR values using a Lux meter (yes I know the limitations as its only seeing the visible spectrum) but my findings are as follows

Finnex Planted 24/7 Lux 1330 Par 29.5
1st Tube Lux 520 Par 11.5
2nd Tube Lux 650 Par 14.4
Both tubes together Lux 1140 Par 25.3
All 3 together Lux 2420 Par 53.8

All measured at the bottom of the tank in air with the lowest light being 65cm above, Im aware that these Par figures could be a little low as a proper Par meter will also see the invisible red and blue spectrums that plants can utilise for photosynthesis.
My question is this, will this setup give me the flexibility to grow species with higher light demands?
I will be setting up pressurised Co2
From what I've read about par values, and assuming your assumptions are correct, probably not. If I remember correctly, carpet plans require more than 60. High light plants require about 80 par. This is a simple general response to your question. More info would help. How deep is the tank?

If I am correct your lighting to the carpeting plants would be greatly reduced when the tank is full.
There is bound to be some info on the WWW but where. I would contact the lighting supplier and see what they have to say.

You should be able to grow almost all high light plants in medium light/pressurized co2 which is about 30-50 par. It would be safer to be close to 50. Try checking if people have grown the specific plant in medium light.

I think your par value should be higher with that much lighting. Not sure if you took into account the substrate height.

You should be able to grow almost all high light plants in medium light/pressurized co2
You possibly can grow highlight plants in a medium light but and a big but the plants would not be in the same condition as if grown in a situation that was more suitable for them.

Thank for the replys, guys. I'm thinking that the values I got are worst case scenario, as they were measured from the bottom of the tank, without substrate, and the lights being arround 65cm above, water depth will be arround 55cm. The Par values I got are probably way on the low side, as using a lux meter and a conversion factor ÷45 Is rather inacurate. As the lux meter can't read the light that falls in the blue/red invisible spectrum.

Talk to Tim her might have a few ideas for you as he is also in the UK

Rachel lives in the UK not the USA
That is a lot of money just to test a light.
