Inspiration from Movies


Aspiring Aquascaper
Living in NYC, I hardly have the opportunity to venture out into nature. Most of the time I go to botanical gardens and since I've started aquascaping I look at the man-made gardens with a discerning eye. In fact even when I watch movies, I now pay special attention to the scenes that feature nature and when I see good ones, wonder if they could be replicated in an aquascape. Recently I saw a movie called "Memories of the Sword", filmed in China, I believe. Some of the mountain scenery was superb and reminded me of some of the best mountain aquascapes I've seen.

Have you seen a movie or a picture or maybe even a painting and thought, wow I wish I could replicate that in an aquascape?

Or have you seen any artwork that taught you about composition/design? For example, this recent year's day, I saw this picture and learned a great deal about composition...

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I can relate to your experience Orlando. Since Aquascaping, I've started looking at things differently. Movies and photographs tend to use many of the same techniques to frame an image that we use to make an appealing aquascape.

I can't think of any specific images at the moment...but I definitely have the thought of "that would make a nice scape" when I see them.

Aquascaping is nothing but a very good landscape adapted for an enclosed area under water .


I don't know if I agree with this sentiment. While Aquascaping has certainly been moving towards more direct landscape impressions, it certainly is not only that and the better scapes, in my opinion, are not an landscape. More of an idealistic aquatic environment, or something that is neither of land or is ambiguous in what scene it represents.

That should keep this topic going its the old saying "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

Just want to keep a picture on record for myself that I looked at for a long time and can't understand why. No rule of thirds or golden mean applied, what's going on?

Great ideas.Thanks for such creativity.Continue sharing your knowledge about aqua spacing in order to inspire many others.
I salute you.