Howdy from Melbourne, Australia and starting my first Aquascape!

Picked up some great moss from another great forum member GR1kTR. (He also sells E.I ferts as well)
Have decided for now that the tank will be 'low tech' which will mean less stress and hassle for a noob like myself, plus less chance the plants die and I get yelled at by my helper. :p
Just basically liquid co2 and ferts and my med lighting. (y)
Looking around for some carpeting plants.. anymore have any experience with mini pellia? Was thinking of putting it on the Bonsai tree to make a tree as well as around the join between the bonsai and DW/rock or a carpet of pelia?
Hi PNScheese , That's fantastic (y)Say hello to Glenn for me when you speak or see him next:)
Starting off low tech is the best way:cool: And as you learn more then you can give the more complex tanks a try :whistle:
As to Pelia its a liverwort :) I have no experience in growing this fab little plant :( Yet:D Would look good around the bottom of the tree :)
But if it get's knocked bits will brake off :( Like fish nibbling at it ? So moss could be better on the top of the tree. Most members use moss for there trees (y) As to a carpet it could take a long time as i think its a slow growing plant ? Plus in a low tech would take even longer :( Others will know more :)
Thanks Roy for the advice :) Will say a howdy to Glenn from you next time I message him (y)

Was looking at mini pelia as it was slow growing either that or the moss I just got from Glenn or moss the vine DW and then flame moss the Bonsai and then carpet the pelia. I was going to capet the moss but would have to get some stainless steel mess to weigh it down. I think you can just plant the pelia into the substrate but not sure?

Glenn will certainly help you plus he is a very local Melb chap.

If only all new comers would take it slowly and learn as they go along they would have far less problems and possible keep aquariums for many years.

I totally agree Keith, but sometimes some of us due to lack of experience become a little bit excited and want to create something spectacular in a hurry cause we get that 'I want that now!' feeling, especially after seeing all the awesome scapes out there :)..
but I have learnt that lesson by going slowly and asking the appropriate advice and in the end I think it will save me a heap of money from potential mistakes.. i.e HC
Bad news guys.... I have been misting my scape to keep the ADA soil from going hydrophobic and covering it with clingwrap, but now I woke up to find that all the vines and the Bonsai have mould!!
I dont know what to do without disturbing the hardscape that you guys helped with... should I just fill it up with water and put in some vinegar to kill off everything before planting?? (i dont know if that is a good idea cause I will be planting after - but I really dont want to disturb the hardscape but if I have to I will.....:sick:

I wonder if this is common in terrariums.. keith?

Its only gone mouldy because of no air movement and the high humidity.

The Tree would be the easiest to take out give it a good cleaning with a hose then leave it in the typical Melb hot sun for a few days.

Vines?? what are you referring to, several photos will certainly help.

I have never used that method you are using but many members have.

The quickest way to get help is to open a new Topic "Mould on DW & ??? ADA Start Help required please"

I am positive you will get help very quickly, don't forget to add plenty of good photos plus all the info you can think of.

Thanks Keith.

The vines are the 2 bits of DW vine that we have on the LHS of the tank. I tried taking some photos but you cant really see the mould you can just smell it and a very fine white fur around the bonsai tree and the vine DW. Will start a new post now.