High Phospates.. advice please :)


Aspiring Aquascaper
Hi all,

I am having issues with high phosphate levels in my newly refurbished heavily planted 400L (106g). My levels remain between 1-1.5ppm. (Tom Barr recommends 0.7ppm).

I dose PMDD (which is phosphate free) and feed fish at a moderate rate. I use black worms occassionally. I do use pre-prepared frozen foods, but defrost them thoroughly before feeding to remove excess phospate. I recenty used some root tabs designed for water lillies (10g tabs), and these contain phosphate level of 4.3%.

What the heck is going on?
Should I use a phospate removing product within my filtration? Will these products remove all phosphate?
hey glenn, i can recommend JBL Phospate Ex, if it s avalible for you. of course you have to check your phospate level while using. All the best.
I think you are fine with your phosphate levels. I don't know if I would recommend something that will strip phosphate from the water, thats what plants do.

Don't give yourself headaches by targeting narrow ranges. 1-1.5 is good and many who use EI dose as high as 3 ppm's.
Ferns and cladophora will work. Anubias also but at a lower uptake speed due the slow growth.

PS. I like your city.
Thanks Scifficus. Haven't been to Romania but I sure would like to check it out!
Water sprite, floating is a mop. Riccia also, most stem plants, anything that grows fast.

Thanks Tom. I will take your advice and seek out some water sprite. I like the look of WS actually and have found a very cheap supplier. Will update whether this assists in phosphate levels.

Thanks all!