Aquascape George Farmer Style


New Member

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Hi Keith,
George Farmer is a well known aquascaper with a distinct style of nature aquariums with rocks, ferns and wood. After I finished my scape I noticed it is very much in his style. Probably infected after watching many of his youtube video's....


Probably infected after watching many of his youtube video's....

After seeing some of his Aquascapes myself it is very obvious he had influenced you.

Can you tell us about that Aquascape, plants, substrate etc also the tank size and, filtration.

Are you planning adding more inhabitants as it looks very bare at the moment.

Aquarium: Blau Cubic 45x45x45cm with Blau LED lights.
Filter: External Eden 511 filter with built-in heater.
Substrate is from Amazonia
CO2: none!
I use Tropica Specialised nutrition
Hardscape: Mountain stone and spiderwood
Plants: bucephalandra's, Hydrocotyle tripartita, javafern (trident), rotala rotundifolia, crypto. parva.
Fish: 6 tetra's, 3 otocynclus, 6 corydoras pygm. and lots of shrimp. So plenty of inhabitants but they were too shy because of the camera (and/or me) close by.
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One method of taking a photo of shy inhabitants do it at feeding time either in one small area or spread over the substrate across the front of the tank.

Beautiful and very detailed scape work. Lovely use of plants that suits the textures. Hard to imagine this is possible without co2 injection.

Super super.

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