
  1. 91Echo

    Unknown plant popped up

    I set up my first ever planted tank just after Christmas it's a 36 bow front, it's planted with s repens anubias amazon swords java moss and some water lettuce to keep my dwarf gouramis happy, for the last month or so ive had little green stalks appearing on my amazon swords with root like...
  2. derfliw

    Amazon Sword, Pygmy Chain Sword and Hairgrass

    In your opinion, is valisneria, pygmy chain sword and dwarf hair grass will look good together in a small aquarium? Or should I just stick to one? No other plants just the three. Thank you.
  3. Oli Pocock

    Big leafs, small tank!

    I'd like a plant with big leafs for my 30l! My tank stands about 35cm high and at the back where I'd want it theres probably 10cm-15cm of substrate, Is like something with broad leafs, I don't mind about trimming, I have co2 and furts. Obviously it can't grow to tall, any suggestions?
  4. J Art

    George Farmer Interview

    Hey guys, hope it's ok, but thought this episode deserved its own post! Check out @ShadowMac & I's interview with George Farmer for The Aquascaping Podcast. Available on iTunes, Stitcher, and here:
  5. Ange

    Gathering Info. Your input is needed

    Hey guys, So I'm new to everything that is aqua plants and scaping and I'm just trying to gather some highly needed information about the best brand of aquariums to use, lighting, filters, etc. I want to set up an aquascape as a present for my father and I'll be starting from scratch. 5-10...
  6. MikeHaupt

    Novice needs advice on plant and fish care!

    Hey guys, I am a recent convert to planted tanks and aquascaping in general after watching several ADA compositions on YouTube. No experience at all! While I can only wish to replicate Amano or Findlay (ha!) or any of your awesome works here, I need your advice on how to properly care for my...
  7. derfliw

    Aquascape for a 20G Tank

    I will start to aquascape this tank next year. I am still gathering some materials and ideas, what do you think of my initial layout of the woods?
  8. derfliw

    Corydoras and Kuhli Loaches in Fully Planted Tank

    Will they be happy to live in a fully planted tank with ADA substrate for example? Thanks! :barefoot::barefoot::barefoot:
  9. derfliw

    Aquatic Plants in Potting Soil

    Is potting soil good for aquatic plants? I will try to propagate the plants that I have, and I am thinking of planting them in potting soil. I will use natural lighting ( I will place them outside the house ). This will make sure that I have supply of the plants that I need for aquascaping...