
  1. S

    Shrimp tank/Jarrarium - No filter

    Hi! I've just started a YouTube channel, and my first video is of my 8 month old no filter Jarrarium. Nothing in-depth, more about the aesthetics. Subscribe if you like it, as I'll be posting more videos of other tanks, updates on tanks etc. All the best!! Take a look let me know what you...
  2. S

    No filter Jarrarium

    Hi, I've just started a YouTube channel, and my first video is of my 8 month old no filter Jarrarium. Nothing in-depth, more about the aesthetics/features/plant list etc. Subscribe if you like it, as I'll be posting more videos of other tanks, updates on tanks etc. Take a look and let me know...
  3. S

    (Week 1) Walstad Tank with Speedy the Betta | No CO2, No Ferts & Heater

    Hi there, I am for 6months now into this hobby and i really loved it! I like Natural planted tanks & Provide an ecosystem where plants and fish balance each other's needs. so learned about it and created my planted tank. I use organic soil and gravel, for plants i picked alot of fast growing...
  4. jordimex

    Co2 65 gal

    I have a 65 gal tank with 4 angelfish 4 german blue rams and neon tetras its somewhat planted and was looking for some advice into pumping co2 my water parameters are all in 0 and as for PH it is at 7.6. Have some amazonian swords and baby tear mats but they seem to be having a bad time any...
  5. WileyOompa

    New to planted tanks, have CO2 questions

    I have been an avid aquarium lover for many years but have never really stepped into high quality planting before. About 4 months ago I invested in a new 60 gallon bowfront tank setup. I wanted to create a tank with a nicely aquascaped scene. I purchased a 5lb CO2 tank, a digital meter and a...
  6. derfliw

    Corydoras and Kuhli Loaches in Fully Planted Tank

    Will they be happy to live in a fully planted tank with ADA substrate for example? Thanks! :barefoot::barefoot::barefoot:
  7. derfliw

    What filter are you using in your planted aquarium?

    What filter are you using in your planted aquarium? Please specify aquarium size and gallon, and do you think you have chosen the right one? :X3::X3::X3: