new tank

  1. L

    Saltwater guy that's new to planted aquariums

    Hello, I've got this 50gal cube tank that I used for saltwater before. It has been sitting there so I decided to turn it in to a paludarium. I already have most of the equipment so I figured I try. I was thinking carnivorous plants and I also plan on building on to the aquarium to create the...
  2. sg88

    pH issue with first try at "high-tech" planted tank

    I have some experience with simple planted aquaria, but decided to go for a high-tech aquascape setup and thus I am a rank newbie aquascaper...please help me think through water my newly planted aquarium, I used ADA Amazonia as substrate, fully soaked Manzanita driftwood, and...
  3. M

    5 weeks into first scape: question about white worms

    Sorry for the gross title. I am 5 weeks into my first scape. The plants are growing. C02 is bubbling all looks pretty good. Was just about to trim down the growth when I noticed some free floating white hairlike worms. There are some stuck to the glass as well. Searching the internet reveals...