
  1. 91Echo

    Unknown plant popped up

    I set up my first ever planted tank just after Christmas it's a 36 bow front, it's planted with s repens anubias amazon swords java moss and some water lettuce to keep my dwarf gouramis happy, for the last month or so ive had little green stalks appearing on my amazon swords with root like...
  2. J

    Brown algae Newly planted aquarium

    Hi, I have a relatively newly planted aquarium (about 2 months). Is a a low tech 10 gallon with a 1.8 wpg led light. I leave this light on 7 hours per day. The tank contains Java fern, water wisteria, anubias Nana, and staurogyne repens. Brown algae has been an issue from the start and now...
  3. J

    Fish Dying After Tank Change

    I recently decided to redo my 10 gallon aquarium with an aquascape rather than my silk artificial plants. Since then, my fish have been lethargic, stressed, and dying. I have no water parameters that would suggest this would should happen so I am a bit confused. The tank held a few neon tetra, 3...
  4. A

    How do I make this? Any Ideas?

    Dearest AquaScapingWorld forum I wish to create my very first aquascaping but I hav eno Idea where to start and where to begin, so I hope that some of you creative people in here can help me. I was thinking something along what's shown on the attached photo with a platform on top for the...
  5. jordimex

    Iwagumi Style Aquarium first try

    Today i emptied my ten gallon tank and decided to aquascape it into an Iwagumi style tank i got three nice rocks and some Caribsea samurai soil for the plants heard that it is really good
  6. Oli Pocock

    My planted 30L

    I set up a 30l tank about a week ago, just letting it do what it need to for about another 3 weeks, Heavily planted, daily liquid co2 bla bla bla... my questions are; 1. Could I stock 6 galaxy rasbora and 2 killi fish In this tank? 2. If I was to add shrimp to this mix would it throw my...
  7. Ange

    Gathering Info. Your input is needed

    Hey guys, So I'm new to everything that is aqua plants and scaping and I'm just trying to gather some highly needed information about the best brand of aquariums to use, lighting, filters, etc. I want to set up an aquascape as a present for my father and I'll be starting from scratch. 5-10...