
  1. Luca Freiensehner

    Digital Aquascaping? Aquascaping Editor

    Hi guys, have you ever thought about creating or planning your aquascapes digital? For me, there was always the problem of converting my layout ideas into reality. So I tried to develop a new way of planning layouts... It's named "Scape It". Scape It allows you to create stunning layouts in a...
  2. Zeus

    Fish tank Controller and Monitor DIY

    Hi All I wanted a tank controller that could in theory control everything in a high tech tank from CO2 levels light intensity, fert dosing temp control etc, but had no idea what is was and couldn’t find anything on the market. Nearly gave up on the idea until I came across How to use a PLC to...
  3. Coty

    Tropical Layout

    Hello everybody! I am trying to make this layout (see pic attached) in my tank My tank dimensions are 121cmX41cmX61cm so is a bit smaller than the one of the layout. I’ve been able to find all the necessary plant to implement this layout. However I am having an hard time to find a trunk which...
  4. J Art

    Aquarium Starter Kit LED Light Mod

    Not sure if anyone has done this before, but this seems to work pretty great if you have a light hood that came as a kit with your tank. Will probably work with other sizes, but I have a standard 10 gallon light hood for my aquarium that came with the 'starter kit.' The one with the 2...