
  1. S

    The Big Drop Scape

    Hi guys, Im new here and this is my first thread, and not only new to this forum but Im also new to aquascape. this "The Big Drop" aquascape that I am doing is actually my 2nd time trying since my 1st was a half will-ed project that I only decided to really doing things right after everything...
  2. J

    Staurogyne Repens Carpet Tips

    Hello, I am new to aquascaping but have owned aquariums for years. I recently decided I would try my hand at it and have now have all the parts required for a low tech first attempt. My question is how can I stimulate carpet (horizontal growth) for Staurogyne Repens(SR)? I have a few Panda...
  3. Cameronite

    29 gallon - Low Maintenance and Aesthetic Carpet

    Hello, I've convinced my mom to go planted! Here is the progress so far. I know there is a lot of white for now, but I hope the white cobbles will age with green in time. My question here is two fold: 1. What should I do with the white sand? as an alternative to all the white, I'm...
  4. T

    First tank, need advice

    Hello, I'm putting together my first tank and am seeking advice from you professionals! I plan on buying a biocube 32 and placing driftwood and rocks in it. My question is, is there a substrate that a carpet will not spread into? I'd like to have the bottom partially uncovered and was wondering...