10 gallon

  1. J

    Brown algae Newly planted aquarium

    Hi, I have a relatively newly planted aquarium (about 2 months). Is a a low tech 10 gallon with a 1.8 wpg led light. I leave this light on 7 hours per day. The tank contains Java fern, water wisteria, anubias Nana, and staurogyne repens. Brown algae has been an issue from the start and now...
  2. J Art

    10 Gallon Iwagumi Style - First Aquascape

    Ok. First time aquascaper here. In the process of finishing (don't mind the uncut shims) and leveling my DIY stand (still needs sanding, painting, etc.), but more importantly, I wanted to get some insight into the Iwagumi rock layout I have going here. Does it work? I'm about 2 weeks out from...