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  1. plantbrain

    Erio compressum

  2. plantbrain

    Tom Barr's 120 Gallon Dutch version 2.0

    This is after my 3rd complete water change mind you............ Hardscape idea:
  3. plantbrain

    Non cO2 ADA 60p version 3.0

    The tank is a paludarium I suppose also, as well as a non CO2 tank, as well as being a "Nature aquarium". Livestock will be added in about 1 month. SSS grade CRS's, they will show up well in the dark understory below the plants. The tank is unheated now. I might start phasing out the Anubias...
  4. plantbrain

    FS:Gnarled manzanita driftwood, Batch 3#

    I do ship to Europe, CA, most places in fact, but shipping cost can be high to Oz/Asia etc. CA is about 2x what USA shipping is, EU is roughly 4x, so a 25$ shipment would end up being 100$ to say the UK. Batch 3, this list trumps any prior listings. I have a fair amount of smaller nano and...
  5. plantbrain

    Tom Barr's 180 Gal video

    This tank is about 7 years old now, but I moved about 3 years ago. There are about 280-300 Cardinals, 11 Checker board cichlids, 3 F2 Sturisoma, 3 P leopardus, 1 black vampire , 4Otto cats, 300-400 RSC, 25 Amano shrimp.
  6. plantbrain

    70 Gal Manzigumi take 2

    Well, needed to move a tank out of the baby's room and that meant breaking down a reef. The Manzigumi was redone to another location in the house and I used all the same stuff from the 1st attempt. Well, 3 new pieces of wood, but most of the hardscape materials are the same. I also added about...
  7. plantbrain

    Help chose a fish for the 120 Gal Dutch something or another

    There's a few criteria: 1. Fish cannot be an active jumper, = fish chips, I do not mind if one or two jump out over say a few months........ 2. Cannot eat shrimp, Fires and Amanos 3. Does not tear up plants, dig, shred fine needled plants 4. Will stand out and be able to be seen in the 120...
  8. plantbrain

    Tom Barr's Wabi-kusa/bonsai

    Burl cutting Redwood tree...........grown on old fish tank water for about 4 years now. Never seen any soil, moss has engulfed the piece, but keeps it moist. There are 3 endemic moss species on this burl all of which makes is a northern CA Del Norte County Biotope and a well as...
  9. plantbrain

    70 Gallon "Woodagumi"

    Strictly speaking, all iwagumi displays use rock as the hardscape. But applying this concept to aquariums and the carpeting plants is a stretch already, but the method works very nicely and dramatically. One of my biggest complaints is the lack of high grade rock in the USA, while I can buy...
  10. plantbrain

    Dutch something or the other

    I was not quite sure where I am going with this..........I have these more sublime tanks and all are different styles...........biotopes, etc.........reef tanks are similar............ I wanted a more stem plant tank with some color contrast, nice plant streets and something to...
  11. plantbrain

    350 Gallon manzy scape

    The cabinet cuts out 2ft of the front of the tank. Hard to get a decent pic of this tank. Tank is about on it's 4th week after total tear down. The Anubias will grow over the wood a bit more and I'll add some stem plants in the rear for a bit more color and fill, sort of sloped hedge effect...
  12. plantbrain

    Project: Aquascaping text book for hobbyist

    This topic has popped up in a few locations on various forms over the years. Frank from ADG recently mentioned it, ADA's aqua journals tend to have a lot of good advice and pictures as well, but it's spread out........some of the book of ADA's and the general ADA books also talk a fair amount on...
  13. plantbrain

    Non CO2 ADA 60p

    I have just redone this tank, I have some limitations with the fish stocking I want to use, still on the fence, but likely will hold some Botia sidthimunki Once the moss settles down and creeps and the Anubias fill in more, the tank will be a bit nicer and filled in. Regards, Tom Barr