Search results

  1. G

    Hardscape or plants - whats most important to you?

    The plants are the most important factor in the ens result, poor plants = poor scenery. Having said that in the initial setup phase I think most aquascapers would concentrate on the hardscape and getting that right with the idea of what plants will go where and compliment the hardscape, so for...
  2. G

    How did you find ASW?

    Linked from an australian fish, aqaurium website
  3. G

    Aquascaping styles (Forgotten and Current)

    One of the most common but shunned would have to be the ornament and fake plant style which clearly to a true aqaurist is a big no no, but in reality many people around the world sport this style and attempt to create something with these objects I shall run and hide now ;)
  4. G

    Hi from South Australia

    Hi there people, I've kept a 4ft community tank for about 3 yrs now, pretty much an enthusiastic novice that is keen to expand. Saving for a house so no new tanks at but am planning to include a fish tank into the house design ;) Fish I keep are, Boesmani, Dublai & Parkinson Rainbow fish...