Search results

  1. zeneo

    A New World - 128 L

    Started at October 2008, hope you like it :)>- Setup: Tank: 80x40x40 - 128 L Filter: Fluval 104 Heater: 100Watt Co2: Pressurized Light: DIY 140 Watt - 2x24Watt PLL + 2x36Watt PLL + 20Watt Gravel: Seachem Fluorite Black White sand Hardscape: Schist rocks Fauna: Ramirezi Caridina...
  2. zeneo

    Report button

    Isn't there a button to report to the administration for example wrong threads?
  3. zeneo

    Back To Nature

    dougz said in other thread he would like to see this tank from the beginning. So, here it is. Had it for about 18 months, allways changing it from time to time. Day 1 Day 4 Day 63 Day 85 Day 97 Day 103 Day 120 Day 141 Day 199 Day 269 Day 274 Day 378 Day 463
  4. zeneo

    How long do you keep your aquascape?

    The title says it all. Myself its a little a never ending job. But mainly I take great pleasure of seeing a tank grow and therefore things with me take (sometimes) too long. I like to keep my tanks at least for one year, but think that after that it becomes more dificult.
  5. zeneo

    Gone To Earth

    Hello, My new tank started on February 2008 Setup: Tank: 80x40x40 - 128 L Filter: Fluval 104 Heater: 100Watt Co2: Pressurized Light: DIY 140 Watt - 2x24Watt PLL 6.500k + 2x36Watt PLL + 20Wat Hagen Power-Glo Gravel: Kanuma - Acid gravel to help lower my 8.5 ph Seachem Fluorite Black White...
  6. zeneo

    Hello Everyone

    Hi. Just looking around the web to find a new and interesting forum....and found it :=D> I have 3 tanks all planted 25 l, 128 l and 240 l. You can see some in my blog, and I will post some photos here soon.