Search results

  1. Anti-Pjerrot

    Just a photo i would share

    I chased this guy around in the forest while i was collecting mushrooms. It was in the late autumn. I found him down in the wet grass near a stream. I showed him to my son and tried to capture a photo of him but he was jumping like a mad. But then he just landed on this moss covered treestump...
  2. Anti-Pjerrot

    60cm Forrest started

    Hi all Here a quick shot of my newly renovated 60cm Optiwhite. Hardscape: Initial setup. I need to do some more planting, but the general "ferns on driftwood" is the theme.
  3. Anti-Pjerrot

    Art of the Planted Aquarium - Hannover 2010

    Is anyone going to Hannover in february? I will be partitioning in the Nano competition only but I will be there from either thursday evening or friday morning. Im staing at...
  4. Anti-Pjerrot

    60cm Iwagumi

    Hi All Heres a shot of my 60cm Iwagumi. I tried to get a decent photo, but i need a better background than a piece of paper... Specs are: Tank: 60x30x36cm, 6mm optiwhite glass from poland ( Light: 3 x 24W T5HO, Sylvania 830 and 865 Substrate: ADA Aqua Soil Amazonia II Plants...
  5. Anti-Pjerrot

    AGA 2009 Aquascaping contest results out

    The results for this years AGA Aquascaping contest is out now - The best as always. You just gotta love the way they put out all the pictures for us to see - wish IAPLC would do that too. Too bad. 2009 AGA Aquascaping Contest
  6. Anti-Pjerrot

    Aquascaping pps for download

    Hi all I made this powerpoint presentation which you can use when giving lectures about aquascaping nano tanks. Its a "fill in the blank" presentation - which means that you need to know something about the subject. The last part about setting up a nano tank is based on an ADA mini M...
  7. Anti-Pjerrot

    Aquascaping and beyond

    I just wanted to talk a little about some of the things I do regarding aquascaping. I consider myself very dedicated to aquascaping, and of course want people to consider trying some of the techniques and styles that define some of the aspects of aquascaping. This is why I hold ”lectures”...
  8. Anti-Pjerrot

    Cleaning rocks in Iwagumi tank

    In my Iwagumi tank i have some mini landscape rocks. There beginning to be covered by BBA and GSA. Any tips about how to clean them? I cant take them out...
  9. Anti-Pjerrot

    What does 6400k mean

    6400k means 6400 kelvin Its a color indication of your bulp. 2000kelvin is red/yellow - 6000 is white - 10000 is blue - 20000 purple.
  10. Anti-Pjerrot

    60P Iwagumi setup

    Its been a year since i started the Ryoboku aquascape. It had its time but slowly transformed into a planted mess with too many plants. So yesterday i removed the numerous CRS that thribed in there, the few rasboras and the 2 otocinclus and some amanos. Removed all the plants: This giant...
  11. Anti-Pjerrot

    Photos/Ideas for ADA Mini-M needed

    I just bought a complete ADA mini-M setup, so right now im looking for some good ADA mini-M photos to get some inspiration. I saw some photos from the ADA gallery, but i cant find them with google... Any one got a link or something? Also just spam this thread with ideas to mini-m layouts...
  12. Anti-Pjerrot


    Hi all We have gotten a lot of spammers recently. Just today I banned ~ 15 users and deleted even more posts. Please use the report spam botton, and dont write in the post. Its easyer for me to clean up and you will avoid being banned for life :) in the process... FYI We need some more...
  13. Anti-Pjerrot

    Happy New Year

    Aquascaping World wishes you a Happy New Year :celebrate: I just want to say thanks to all our members for making Aquascaping World Forum such a great forum and contributing with knowledge, talent and awesome scapings. Hopefully 2009 will be a year for us to improve on the forum, and get...
  14. Anti-Pjerrot

    AGA Aquascaping contest 2008 showcase

    The photos and comments for the Aquatic Gardners association Aquascaping Contest is online, and i recomment everyone to take a look and enjoy.
  15. Anti-Pjerrot

    Rules for giving critique (Please read before posting/commenting)

    Please read before posting/commenting! Since this sub forum is all about giving and receiving critique, we need to have some simple guidelines on how to make things easy for all. The purpose is that the poster gets the best feedback as possible. There are some things that need to be done...
  16. Anti-Pjerrot

    WTB: Microsorium ptropus sp "Needleleaf"

    Are there any ppl that can send this plant to Denmark? I would really like it, but there are noone here that has it? Ill pay what it takes within reason :-"
  17. Anti-Pjerrot

    Amano layout making photos

    I remember some time to see a manual with Amano setting up a tank in the studio. I think it was with an open foreground. Can anyone help me find thouse pics?
  18. Anti-Pjerrot

    Advice needed for full shot/scaping

    I need some help with the photosetup for my 60cm. I need to take some pics doing the setup: Materials used Plants Preparation of plants Preparation of the tank - equipment Layout of substrate, dw, rocks ect. Planting Finalizing I got a Nicon D80 w. standard kit 18-55. No external flash...
  19. Anti-Pjerrot

    How lucky

    My sister is studying medicine, so I asked her if she knew somewhere to buy pro surgery curved scissors. She diddent know anyplace, but - she was cleaning out some stuff from the attic at our parents, and she said she found all kinds of picettes and scissors and that I should go look in a...
  20. Anti-Pjerrot

    Video of diffuser placement

    Hi - we had some discussions about the placement of glasceramic diffusers, and there were arguments for placing them under the spraybar/lilypipe or on the opposite side. So i placed my pollen diffuser on the opposite side of the spraybar in my 60x30x30cm CRS tank. Heres a video of the CO2...