Recent content by EChord

  1. EChord

    Tank Overhaul is Completed - Thank You Everyone!

    Pic is from Jan 28 I've been gone for awhile due to various ongoing family things that have needed handling. My tank actually turned into quite the jungle for a bit there, too, and I've been getting it back under control bit by bit. This was after a trim I did back at the end of January. I'd...
  2. EChord

    Big plans...filtration questions

    Sorry for the late response - been out for awhile with some personal stuff. I'm glad I could add to the discussion. :) There's already such great advice here, I don't often have anything further to contribute. I'm happy to be able to help, especially after all the help I've gotten both over...
  3. EChord

    First Cube

  4. EChord

    ID Please

    Looked up pics and U. gibba is def what it is - thanks so much for the ID! Roy - def don't want it - have been removing anytime I see it. At least it comes out easy enough - doesn't attach. Hoping any remainder will show itself while I'm gone, and I'll be able to get the last of it when I get back.
  5. EChord

    ID Please

    It's a truly bad pic, I know it makes it hard to see. I don't think it's staghorn unless it has multiple forms? The nodule is spherical - almost like a bladder, but it doesn't float. Also the two little side shoots never get longer. They almost look like two little hairs at each nodule. It also...
  6. EChord

    First Cube

    Better pic of the cube taken last week. Not too much different. Trimmed the baby tears, trying out some P. erectus, and moved the center stones off the monte carlo. Center portion is rooted, but the edges still need some work to root. If the P. erectus works in the tank, I will prob pull out...
  7. EChord

    ID Please

    It's not a great pic (taken with my phone), but this hitch-hiked in on some plants, and I know I saw a thread somewhere with an ID for this before, but I can't remember what it is, and I can't find that post. It's basically a very long thin stem with nodes. At each node is a little ball shape...
  8. EChord

    Tank Overhaul is Completed - Thank You Everyone!

    Directly under my fixture at an 18" depth PAR is 125, and 9" off center from the fixture at the same depth is 65. My fixture is on tank mounts, so is fairly close to the top, but I do have a glass canopy btwn it and the water. This is the fixture if you want to look at more data...
  9. EChord

    Bucephalandra - all in one

    evil evil evil - okay I probably shouldn't ask since I'm already infected with buce fever and am lusting after some of those ;), but which species are those pics?
  10. EChord

    Tank Overhaul is Completed - Thank You Everyone!

    Thanks! I was actually going to replace the HC w/ the monte carlo, but when I got in there, I realized the HC had rooted quite a bit more than I thought, so I'm giving them another go. :) I think they just got super hammered by the GW episode since they seem much happier now. In the...
  11. EChord

    Starting point Wabi-kusa ?

  12. EChord

    First Cube

    Thanks! I'm looking forward to seeing what the heck it turns into too, because I'm totally doing this one on the fly. lol Considering that fact, I'm rather pleased it came out as well as it did, but I also know it could be better, and want to make it better as well. :) I put some fine filter...
  13. EChord

    I shot the fishes (but I didn't shoot no deputy)

    Cool! I had started to experiment with that back in college. Was mid-process setting up (planning to use paradise fish), when one of the saltwater tanks sprung a leak over a weekend. I had actually warned them that the seals on that tank were looking suspicious, but it took a bit too long for...
  14. EChord

    New planted tank help

    Do you think it would work if you used a barrier btwn the plate and substrate? I'm thinking something like floss, foam or fabric. It's really a curiosity thing on my part - don't have space for another tank to experiment, but the thought has really intrigued me. Do you have the link for the...
  15. EChord

    New planted tank help

    :notworthy: I bow to your greater experience w UGF's lol :D Honestly it's been so long since I used a UGF, I'm a bit out of date/inexperienced on the hiding of them and noise levels with current tech. I went to low tech dirted tanks a very long time ago, and my first dirted was also my last...